Project Based Learning: A Creative Learning Style
In a classical learning setting, the teachers have full control of the learning environment and are at the center of the learning process. The lessons are primarily held in classrooms and the teachers deliver all the information needed by the students. It is through continuous drill and practice that the students master knowledge. With this style of teaching, the students are prone to losing interest in the subject due to the learning method that has become a routine. They could become more dependent on the teacher’s instructions and may lose the initiative to find answers or more information about a certain topic on a broader aspect.
A key to avoiding a monotonous learning style could be the integration of technology to everyday teaching. In this time where technology has become widespread, teachers have to think of creative ways to tickle the minds of these students to, not only help them learn about various subjects, but also help develop themselves into stronger and more efficient characters. Project based learning is a technology-integrated teaching method teachers could make use of to make learning more interesting and effective.
What makes this better than traditional teaching is that students take control of the learning process. The teacher acts as a facilitator and guide while the students take the role of the decision makers. Instead of giving more importance to the content of the subject, the way information is processed and used is considered most vital. Since the students are given a more hands-on approach to learning, they could easily relate their learning experience to real life situations and could get a better grasp of what to expect in a modern office scenario.
The students would not only develop confidence but gain self direction, as well, as they move through team-based and independent work. The Web has made information readily available to any person who has access to the internet. Online resources have connected students to other people worldwide with whom they can gain more insight and discuss information they have with, giving them more opinions to ponder on and develop a better foundation for their ideas. Through these project-based assignments, they sharpen their analytical skills as they merge and develop the information they acquired online.
WebQuest is an example of a technology-integrated tool for learning utilized today. They are inquiry-related and can aid students in the advancement of their critical thinking and analysis skills. Since the learners work on projects in groups, cooperative and collaborative learning also takes place. If students are accustomed to this kind of learning style, then they will become more competent workers in the future. Instead of acting immediately on new information, they will evaluate and seek various points of view before determining what action to carry out.
Using technologies such as WebQuests in everyday learning helps every teacher meet their goal of producing a new breed of brilliant, well-rounded people that may lead the nation into success, in the future. Bibliography Szalavitz, Maia. “WebQuests: Explanation. ” Concept to Classroom: A Series of Workshops. 2003. Thirteen Ed Online. <http://www. thirteen. org/edonline/concept2class/webquests/ index. html> Theroux, Priscilla. “Comparing Traditional Teaching And Student Centered, Collaborative Learning. ”
Enhance Learning with Technology.www. enhancelearning. ca. 20 June 2004. <http://members. shaw. ca/priscillatheroux/collaborative. html>. “Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum? : The Reasons Are Many. ” Edutopia: The George Lucas Educational Foundation. 16 March 2008 <http://www. edutopia. org/ technology-integration-introduction. > “Why Teach With Project Learning? : Providing Students with a Well-Rounded Classroom Experience. ” Edutopia: The George Lucas Educational Foundation. 28 February 2008 <http://www. edutopia. org/project-learning-introduction>.
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