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Frequency of Literary Reading Continues to Plummet

I need to make a work cited page for an essay. I have used 6 sources for that all of which are articles,I am going to include the name of the article, the author and the publication date. I need you to google them using the articles name so you can write them in MLA format for me, so it will be my work cited page of the essay. (the articles are written below form number 1 through 6)… please make sure that the job will be done on time. 1)Does the internet promote rading by Lisa Rufle, Feb3, 2009 2)Declining Us reading rates by Mark H. Leichliter, Dec 14 2007 3)Declining U.

S newspaper circulation potentilally signals decline in literacy critical to nations economic health by Linda Young, December 26, 2008 4)Twilight of the Books by Caleb Crain,December 24, 2007 5)Television viewing and Reading. ERIC DIGEST. by Lehr, Fran,publication date:1986 6)Literary Reading in Dramatic Decline, According to National Endowment for the Arts Survey, by sally Gifford, July 8, 2004 WORK CITED PAGES 1. Caleb, Crain. Twilight of the Books: What will life be like if people stop reading? Dec 2007. Retrieval Date: http://www. newyorker.

com/arts/critics/atlarge/2007/12/24/071224crat_atlarge_crain 2. Lehr, Fran. Television viewing and Reading: Eric Digest. 1986. Retrieval Date: http://www. eric. ed. gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini. jsp? _nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED272855&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED272855. 3. Lisa, Ruffle. Does the Internet Promote Reading? Link Between Literacy and the Web: Feb. 2009. Retrieval Date: http://literaryculture. suite101. com/article. cfm/does_the_internet_promote_reading. 4. Mark H. Leichlite. Declining US Reading Rates:

Frequency of Literary Reading Continues to Plummet. Dec. 2007. Retrieval Date: http://literaryculture. suite101. com/article. cfm/declining_us_reading_rates 5. Sally, Gifford. Literary Reading in Dramatic Decline, According to National Endowment for the Arts Survey. July 2004. Retrieval Date: http://www. nea. gov/news/news04/ReadingAtRisk. Html 6. Young, Linda. Declining U. S. Newspaper Circulation: Potentially Signals Decline In Literacy Critical to Nation’s Economic Health. Dec. 2008. Retrieval Date: http://www. allheadlinenews. com/articles/7013530933.

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