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Giving it the Online Try

Different organizations provide varying forms of training and instruction to their employees by use of technological devices and sites such as the internet. Creation of online courses for employees of Paper Product Company will be advantageous both to the company and to the employees. The online courses will be open to all the employees and this increases the rates of accessibility. The employees can advance training program at any place and at their own pace.

Additionally, the company’s employees can access the training at any given time at their disposal and receive information as much as they need (Gordon, 2010). Online training enhances employees’ career especially those who do not have time to attend conventional classes. Paper Product Incorporation will be able to acquire more knowledgeable workforce since the provision of online courses will attract employees who are not able to further their degree due to time and geographic constraints. As a result, the company will reach higher profits in the long run.

Advantages Online training is cost effective and economical for the company as it spent little money in conducting employee training through e-learning. Employees are able to learn on job spending little time each day when it is convenient for them and from their workstations. The cost of online training is also favorable to the employees who want to advance their knowledge as the terms of payment are affordable. Most of the big companies are able to cut their bill by use of online training since the process does not require any kind of travel.

For instance, IBM Company was able to cut its training bill when it used E-learning since it is fast and cheap and it also saved the employees travel time. Provision of online training for employees will greatly benefit the company if it cannot afford to have employees away from work for long period of time. This is because online training can be offered to a group of employees with a lot of ease and reduced time and energy. Paper Product Incorporation being a large company with offices and employees at different places, provision of online courses will be effective for their employees within their workstations.

This is because the information and courses will be offered through emails, interactive websites as well as CDs. When the company sponsors the training, employees’ moral is boosted as well as increasing the motivation to complete the online training successfully. Disadvantages Online training for employees poses a challenge to those who rely on company’s intranet. In Paper Product Incorporation, most of the employees will not have enough time to complete their courses from the desktops. This is because of interruptions caused by the other workers.

Nevertheless, they can only access the online courses through the company’s intranet. This makes them not to complete their assignments on time since they can not finish their coursework from home (James, 2002). Chronicle of Higher Education reported a higher rate of dropout for online learners who are mainly employees. Institutions that offer online courses do not provide credentials such as certificates, they do not allow 24-hour access and an employee cannot start a course at any time.

These limitations discourage employees thus leading to their high rate of dropout. Furthermore, online learning is not as good as face to face instruction and employees only get limited information without good illustrations. This makes them not to be competent enough in solving problems in the company and thus leads to low company’s performance and production. Technological problems such as breakdown of electronic devices and shortage of power, limits the ability of the learners in accessing their work.

Students are frequently discouraged to continue with online learning as there is no motivation, student support and management oversight. Institutions that offer online courses have substandard and inexperienced instructors and this will make the employees not be competent enough in the workplace. In online learning, there is lack of interactivity among the employees who are pursuing with their studies. As a result of lack of interactivity, many employees do not finish their online studies given similar assignment and access to tutors through e-mail, phone or online discussion groups.

Additionally, Paper Product Incorporation will face a mismatch between what its employees require and the customized courses that are tailored to a company’s products and its unique corporate culture. Recommendations In ensuring effective online training in the Paper Product Incorporation, the management should make sure that the employees’ progress is tracked daily, reinforcement on attendance and employees are appreciated (Merriman, 2006). These practices will make the employees to feel motivated and the rate of dropout among the employees who take online courses will be reduced.

The company should also establish interactivity process in order to ensure that the employees finish their course well. Additionally, the managers should put more efforts in supervising e-learning and adopt a new culture that takes e-learning seriously just like classroom training. For any online training to be effective among the employees, the content must be broken down into short details, problems, discussion groups and other interactive features that allow the employees to practice in work what they have learnt. References

Gordon, A (2010). Training Employees Online. Retrieved August 18, 2010 from http://ezinearticles. com/? Training-Employees-Online&id=395222 James, G (2002). Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning. Retrieved August 18, 2010 from http://www. comminit. com/en/node/210058/307 Merriman, K (2006). Employers Warm Up to Online Education: Online degree programs offer flexibility and cost advantages that are becoming increasingly popular. Retrieved August 18 2010from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3495/is_1_51/ai_n16045106/

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