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Methodological approach

A combination of both primary and secondary research will be conducted in researching a subject matter for this dissertation. Primary data is essential to validate secondary data. Primary evidence will be collected through a quantitative method using a set of questionnaires, which is one of the most effective means of meeting the research objectives. It is based on the gathering of information from a respondent using a formally designed set of questions (Veal 1997). Data Collection Process

Questionnaires will play a major role in the data collection process for this dissertation and they are the most common technique for conducting the research in leisure and tourism. According to Veal (1997), captive group surveys are employed where people included in the survey are members of a particular group where access can be negotiated, such as school children, which is the case of my primary research I am going to conduct. Questionnaires are administered in controlled situations for convenience and a high response rate is guaranteed.

By taking the respondents through the questionnaire, clarification of questions is provided if respondents find them unclear and good standard of competition is ensured (Trochim 2006). Data gathered will be then imported into the SPSS or Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The SPSS is a program which is highly useful for processing and/or assessing large amount of evidence and allows graphs and charts to be created (Saunders et al. 2003, Bell 1999). A summary on the Questionnaire’s Contents The questionnaire has seven pages and is composed of thirteen (13) questions.

The questionnaire features questions that are answerable by yes or no and multiple choice questions. The first three questions are about the respondent’s background. This includes questions on the participant’s ethnic origin, gender and current place of origin. Question number 4 is about the respondents’ willingness to volunteer for the Olympic Games that will be held in London in 2012. It is explicitly stated in the question that participating as a volunteer in the 2012 Olympic Games does not come with any form of remuneration whatsoever.

This question is one of the most important that will determine the spirit of volunteerism of the participants. Questions 5 through 10 are questions on the participants’ past experiences in volunteering, if there are any. As it is equally important that the volunteers have a certain set of skills so that their volunteer works in the organization will be a fruitful and productive endeavor. These questions will help the researcher narrow down or evaluate further each potential participant’s qualification for the task at hand.

Also, the researcher will also deduce from the respondents’ answers the extent to which the respondents are willing to immerse themselves in the experience. The questionnaire has been designed in such a way that the questions are not too intimidating for the potential volunteers, but at the same time can provide essential information for the researcher about the respondents, their qualifications and Question 11 is about what the respondents or potential volunteers have gained through their past volunteering experiences and what they expect to gain from future endeavors.

From this question, the researcher will be able to gauge whether each respondent has the right kind of mindset or attitude to see him or her through the completion of the task. It is also from this question that the researcher will be able to find out whether the respondent knows exactly what he or she is getting into and was not just forced into the situation or just jumping onto the bandwagon, so to speak. Aside from awareness in the field of volunteer work, it is important that potential volunteers are willing and can work with other individuals as members of a team.

In order for an undertaking to be successful, it is important that everyone who is involved in the team understands his or her role and is ready to work together with other members of the group to see their goal to its fruition. In such a gargantuan and ground breaking endeavor such as the Olympics, there is very little room for individualism and for unnecessary arguments and opinions. Question number 11 helps the researcher determine whether the respondent/potential volunteer is ready to work or has the right mindset to be able to work as a member of a team.

Questions 12 and 13 are about the respondents’ awareness of what is going on in their local districts. This will help the researcher determine on how conscious the respondents are in terms of social responsibility. This characteristic plays a major role in the success rate of one’s participation in such events. This trait also helps the researcher estimate how far the respondents are willing to go with their volunteerism. The respondents’ answers to question 13 will give the researcher insight as to what kind of volunteer work is available in the locality of the respondents.

This will give the researcher information as to what kind of volunteer work and community environment the respondents are exposed to. Primary Research Primary research will be undertaken in the end of December 2008 in one of schools in London, Borough of Newham. The establishment consists of a secondary school and the sixth form. The age range of pupils in this school is 12 – 18 years and a great majority of them come from Black-African communities. A survey will be conducted and questionnaires will be distributed amongst 100-150 pupils who will be selected prior to the distribution.

The basis of qualification for the respondents is, first of all, their willingness to participate in the survey and then their ethnic background. The survey will be done after a discussion and agreement with a head teacher and heads of the years of selected participants. Respondents will be given about one to two (1 to 2) days to complete the questionnaires. The intention behind this is to give respondents enough time to think through the questions before answering. The information will then be gathered after the forms are accomplished and will be analyzed afterwards.

Throughout the primary research, utmost consideration will be given to the safety of the respondents who will be willing to participate in the survey, as well as other important issues that might be raised such as ethics and privacy. Protection of the participants is of great importance, especially in the case when the research involves children or minors. One very important thing to consider is whether any part of the survey will interfere with the students’ scholarly activities and/ or raise any doubts or fears of endangerment from the respondents’ parents or guardians.

Prior to the distribution of the questionnaire forms, the researcher will have a talk with the teachers of the potential respondents. During this time, the researcher will share with the teachers the intention and the purpose for having their students participate in the survey. Part of the introduction will be a part wherein the researcher will explain to the teachers that it is voluntary on the part of the students, whether they would like to participate in the survey or not.

This way, there will be no imposition on the part of the researcher and that the researcher is sure that the respondents are involving themselves in the survey not out of pressure but out of their own free will. After the talk with the teachers, the researcher will set a time to talk to the students to invite them to participate in the survey, with the teacher around to witness the invitation. This will be done per class. The researcher will then leave the survey forms with the teachers and allow the teachers to distribute the forms to their students who are willing to take part in the survey.

The teachers will set a deadline during which the students have to submit the completed survey forms. The researcher will also set with the teachers a specified time wherein she will collect the completed survey forms. This way, the researcher will be able to save time and resources in the data gathering process. Significant resources for information gathering for the dissertation are data collected through secondary research. These will provide a strong underpinning for the primary data. These are also available in several forms such as books, academic journal articles, official publications, theses, similar research work, and the internet.

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