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Organized Sport

Organized sports refer to a structured design and implementation of a game requiring the involvement of coaching roles, game play rules, laws, and policies, supervision, use of facilities and equipment, and such. It is not only a source of entertainment and opportunity for physical activity but also a way for individuals to learn and develop their knowledge, skills, and talent. (The Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness & Committee on School Health, 2001) An example of an organized sport includes baseball games in school wherein students in the primary level of schooling are encouraged to participate in.

The baseball team in an academic institution is composed of children from seven to twelve years of age. I have selected to observe such organized sport since it is set at a local public primary school where not only school personnel, but also families and friends are involved. Observing the psychological impact of organized and competitive sports in a particular sport wherein various members of the community are involved is expected to yield excellence results from the observation. Psychological Impact of Sports on Observed Athletes, Coaches, and Parents

The impact of the sport on the athletes has something to do with raising their competitiveness and their will or determination to obtain success in the succession of games that they play. For a single team, I observed that playing in an organized sport led to their establishment of camaraderie and solidarity as a team. Their experiences during training and the actual game play itself has brought them all together since they believe that they share the same familiarity in experiencing the difficulties and hardships of training, the disappointment in losing, as well as the joy in succeeding.

For individual athletes, being involved in an organized sport has led them to obtain a certain confidence and pride. The coaches and parents behave the same as the athletes who take pride in competition and develop the innate desire to succeed and excel in baseball. However, the experience is more poignant and emotive for parents who witness their children become involved in an organized activity that develops discipline, courage, and confidence. For coaches, the experience is more of a profession or a career that they must not fail.

Factors that Motivate Involvement: Health Benefits and Parent Involvement Aside from the psychological impacts or influences of being involved in organized sports, particularly the establishment of self-concept for the athletes, there are other factors that motivate the involvement of children, as well as their coaches and parents, in this particular organized sport. The health contributions of active play are undeniable in avoiding lifestyle illnesses or diseases that are aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle. Another factor that influences engagement in the said sport is parent involvement.

Through observation, the close involvement of parents motivate children to participate in organized sports as well as put their best foot forward in order to excel in such sports. Conclusion Organized sports offer various benefits and contributions to the lives not only of the athletes, but also other individuals that are involved in the said activity such as the parents and coaches. If the children are benefited by establishing their confidence and self-concept, contributing to their health, and developing their social skills and competencies, the coaches, on the other hand achieves pride in building a career in their profession.

Moreover, the parents are also provided with their opportunity to witness their children grow and develop as well as have time to bond with them emotionally for the establishment of desirable parent-child relationships. References The Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness & Committee on School Health. (2001). American Academy of Pediatrics: Organized Sport for Children and Preadolescents. Pediatrics, Vol. 107, No. 6.

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