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Renaissance man

Today, any kind of renaissance admirer basically knows about Baldassare Castiglione’s sprezzatura, and the geniuses Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzo the Magnificent. Given that these great men were coincidentally born in Florence, many have assumed that it was the birthplace of the Renaissance. These exceptional individuals lived throughout the scientific revolution of the Renaissance which occurred around 1350 until 1600. During this period, renaissance men aimed at using, learning, and extending the techniques and knowledge of men before them.

Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzo the Magnificent, for instance, were so brilliant that they were and are expansively acknowledged as renaissance men. They were individuals who excelled in numerous fields of knowledge and work, but most unmistakably they were universal geniuses. Sprezzatura Sprezzatura is an Italian word created by Baldassare Castiglione in 1528 in his guide to ideal courteous behavior, The Book of the Courtier.

Castiglione maintained that a true aristocrat should preserve one’s self-control in every situation, even the most frustrating and behave in companionship with an impervious casualness and graceful poise. Castiglione considers sprezzatura as an art which does not appear to be an art. In order to cover art, one must keep away from showing off and carry out every thing with certain sprezzatura, carelessness or distain, and make whatever is said or done appear to be almost without any attention concerning it and without effort.

He further suggest that it is a form of defensive irony, or the ability to mask what one actually thinks, feels, and desires, as well as intends or means behind an outfit of obvious nonchalance and reticence. The definitive aristocrat was believed to be skilled in athletic events and in arms, and is acquainted with the art of public speaking, in addition to the arts of dancing and music. Given that the ideal aristocrat was believed to carry out the aforesaid standard, it became essentially unachievable for most men.

Nevertheless, the aristocrat who had sprezzatura managed to make these multifaceted undertakings appear effortless. Consequently, sprezzatura is as well indispensable to every contemporary fine individual, in view of the fact that having this quality allows them to survive in the extremely competitive world of the elites. If modern-day personalities have this quality, they could gracefully intermingle and adapt into every cutthroat situations.

Contemporary politicians, for instance, have to put on a presentation for the public, and those who can employ sprezzatura will generally produce the impression that they absolutely mastered the roles of public service. Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was beyond doubt a renaissance man. He was born into the renaissance age on April 15, 1452 in the small Florentine town of Vinci. He was a brilliant man in view of the fact that he was a painter, mathematician, engineer, musician, architect, inventor as well as a philosopher at the same time.

He seemed to be fascinated in everything and was exceptionally detail oriented. Lenardo da Vinci’s interests were exceptionally expansive that he was frequently constrained by new subjects and generally failed to complete what he started. It is obvious that Leonardo da Vinci is one of the true brilliances of the renaissance and without a doubt of record. Leonardo was exceptionally imaginative with his artistic method as well as paint techniques, and he was more than just an artist despite the fact that it is through his art that he is recognized for.

What people might not be aware of is that Leonardo liked to write backwards, that he designed the earliest underwater device and that he sketched diagrams for a helicopter centuries ahead of one that was first created. Lorenzo the Magnificent Lorenzo il Magnifico was a serious spender and renaissance man. He was born in Florence, Italy on January 1, 1449. Brought up in a very much cultured environment, he absorbed several of the finest standards of the renaissance and developed into a scholarly, broad-minded person.

For 23 years, he directed over Florence at the height of the latter’s Renaissance vivacity, and founded a magnificent court of writers, philosophers and artists centered on the Palazzo Medici. As such, Lorenzo was a head of State as well as a banker, and his clients were heads of another States with plans on his territory. In any case, by trade Lorenzo is an art historian, yet today there is surprisingly little of Lorenzo on the subject of art, while there is several about his poetry.

Together with his employee and contemporary Leonardo da Vinci, Lorenzo il Magnifico has a definitive claim to the description of Renaissance man (Bloomberg). He was a scholar and a poet, a respectable musician and dancer, a master huntsman and horseman, and though his heart was not actually in the family business. he was considered a foremost banker and, particularly, the most important statesman of the period. Conclusion Beyond doubt, renaissance covered continuing but extensive educational transformation, the growth of linear perspective in arts, and an insurgence of learning based on classical foundations.

Although the Renaissance witnessed revolutions in numerous intellectual quests, in addition to political and social turmoil, it is probably best recognized by the imaginative contributions and developments of Baldassare Castiglione, Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzo the Magnificent. Work Cited Bloomberg. 11 July 2008. “Lorenzo, the ‘Renaissance man’, diplomat and patriot. ” Engineering News. 17 March 2009 <http://www. engineeringnews. co. za/article/lorenzo-the-renaissance-man-diplomat-and-patriot-2008-07-11>.

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