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Social Work Practice

A drug study institute collaborated with a society-based therapy center to develop the Brief Strategic Therapy Model (BSTM) to address the needs of San Antonio’s gang-associated Mexican American teens plus their relatives. Female and male teens and a minimum of a single family associate were enlisted. Two hundred other members were chosen and arbitrarily posted to the comparison or treatment group.

The treatment grouping got family rehabilitation, which promotes alteration within family relationships plus the cultural background issues that impact upon adolescence activities problems, for eight-sixteen weeks. Additionally, education, HIV/STD reduction plus gang distraction improvement to the BSFT were administered (Valdez, 2008). It was established that the therapy sessions administered to the treatment grouping led to minimized drug usage plus positive results regarding family relationships plus additional danger areas which affect adolescent behavioral issues as contrast with the control grouping.

The BSFT project specifically offered drug therapy services with a view to reducing drug misuse behavior symptoms as well as alter substance misuse outlooks amongst gang-associated Mexican American teens by addressing the fundamental structural disputes within their family implanted within such socially segregated societies (Valedez, 2008). The BSFT’s focus upon family rehabilitation makes it an increasingly intensive model for treatment and has been touted as being evidence-based.

This is partly owing to the family’s principal structural status among Mexican Americans. It is effective sine it is both specific and sensitive towards the harsh disputes prevalent among family associates when delinquency and drug usage predominate the society. Additionally, BSFT offered therapy services for the high-peril teens and also some rigorous intercession for close relatives who ought to understand youth justice structures, police, rebellious teens and also gain insight on reconnection modes with offspring.

For teenagers undertaking some serious rebellious behavior, implementation of therapy models involving family rehabilitation meant to tackle problems head-on, as opposed to implementation of didactic measures more fit to prevention, is more practicable. The BSFT foundation is strongly oriented to the family and mainly targets: parent-teen relations; culture-linked stressors which interrupt proper family operations and parental guidance and leadership (Valdez, 2008). Social work practice with Puerto Ricans

Existing literature points out that the level of spiritualism exhibited by Puerto Ricans has potential to influence enhanced use of societal services. Past studies have indicated that Puerto Ricans exhibits very minimal usage of expert counseling and once they seek such services, majority soon abandon treatment (Rivera, 2005). The York Street Project aims to initiate creative projects which feed, shelter, educate plus enhance independence and healing for needy persons, particularly children and women.

The project includes four interdependent but autonomous programs: The Nurturing Place; St. Josephs Home, Kenmare High School and St. Mary’s Residence. The Nurturing Place includes a childhood growth center and some daycare for low-income and homeless children from the ages of 4-6 months whose female parents school at Kenmare High School or live within St. Joseph’s Home. St Joseph’s Home offers homeless women plus their children with supportive shared living for eighteen months as the mother labors to enhance her lifestyle and obtain long-lasting cost-effective housing.

Kenmare High School is some completely accredited unconventional high school offering ladies aged seventeen to thirty five some second opportunity to attain diplomas as their children get taken care of at the Nurturing Place. St. Mary’s Residence provides secure cost-effective housing to single employed ladies earning minimal incomes. It offers shared living space for every lady the permitting her to focus upon social expertise plus job coaching thus resulting in an increasingly productive lifestyle (Rivera, 2005).

The Puerto Rican Family Institute is a not-for-profit, family-inclined multi-program human service and health agency with the primary goal of preventing family breakdown and promotion of the independence of the Latino society. The Puerto Rican Family Institute provides a range of comprehensive medical care and social services which are relevant linguistically and culturally. Major services involve crisis intercession, mind health therapy, placement avoidance, education and in-house care. Services are provided in Puerto Rico as well as in mainland United States. Women work!

The national network for women’s employment involves some not-for-profit association which agitates for women’s financial security by way of programs, partnerships and policies. Founded in 1978, Women work! Projects have assisted in excess of ten million ladies within transition (older, low-income, solo parents and relocated homemakers) to obtain the expertise to successfully and efficiently participate within workplaces. Women work! Offers services to in excess of one thousand affiliate projects throughout the USA. Such programs provide workshops, counseling, expertise coaching plus job search to about 400,000 ladies every year.

Women work! Collaborated with Panasonic to initiate a program called “getting IT across – The Counselors Guide for Recruiting Women to Information Technology Careers (GITA)” at Union City, New Jersey’s Hispanic Resource Center. The Hispanic Resource Center has since 1985 been providing life expertise development, counseling, job training and preparation to Hispanic ladies. The projects incorporates IT fundamentals, counseling approaches, job resources and profiles to assist ladies undertake intelligent decisions while selecting IT careers.

IT programs are interpreted into the Spanish language to help clients while learning English as an additional language. The scheme has boosted the Hispanic Resource Center’s capacity to coach and secure IT jobs for women (http://www. panasonic. com/community/groups-social-welfare-human-work. asp). Social work practice with African Americans The US government’s projects meant to assist disadvantaged persons have not benefited African Americans and hence have made them worse off that they were 40 years before they were introduced (http://researchnews.

osu. edu/archive/aframfam. htm). The program for research on black Americans (PRBA) was founded in 1976 at the institute for social research in the University of Michigan by social scientist from different disciplines. The aim was to gather premium nation-wide data regarding African Americans in order to advance academic learning and develop an efficient community policy. The PRBA aims to gather, examine and understand empirical information regarding African Americans and also global data regarding persons with African lineage.

It also aims to offer training and research opportunities to social scientists as well as scholars of color. Currently, program for research on black Americans remains an imposing research and scholarship center. Its program accommodate in excess of ninety scholars, graduate scholars and research subordinates for a broad range of disciplines who are dedicated to distinguishing research. PRBA has local as well as global fame for the innovative research methodologies plus its coaching programs aimed to widen the quantity of African American social scholars.

Researchers associated with PRBA are engaged in advisory capacities within philanthropic associations, state policy-making organizations as well other regulation advisory bodies to accustom broad audiences with the ramifications which PRBA study findings could have upon countrywide policy that impacts on African Americans (http://www. rcgd. isr. umich. edu/prba/). The university of Miami center for family studies has designed, implemented and refined family-related interventions to assist minority Miami families.

The program has been broadened to accommodate African Americans whereby treatment and prevention programs are offered. The program aims to co9llaborate with African American societies; develop and implement clinically and culturally targeted measures; conduct thorough research to determine the effects of such measures and utilizing research and clinical findings as some basis for constant refinement and enhancement of interventions. The community is engaged at the different levels: big communities; sub-communities; provider societies; collaborators from neighborhoods plus specific families.

Structural-strategic commitment measures are used, for instance, respecting, validating plus monitoring an organizations inherent power system and developing collaborative linkages within every segment of society (Fam, 2004). The program has closely engaged African American expert groups within south Florida, have participated in radio programs and also have had its articles published by African American dailies. The program reveres cultures by utilizing ethnically syntonic modes to approach the community.

For instance, all interventions utilize counselors, therapists, outreach personnel and projects heads from the community. Front-line personnel and assessors are sourced from the community, usually from a similar neighborhood to clients. This has boosted comprehension of the society and also made the program seem comfortable and familiar to the community (Fam, 2004). References Fam, J. M. (July 2004). A program of research with Hispanic and African American families: three decades of intervention.

Retrieved on 17th may 2009 from <http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. gov/articlerender. fcgi? artid=1480363>.

Panasonic Corporation of North America. (2009). Women’s work social welfare organizations –Panasonic corporate outreach program . retrieved on 17th may 2009 from <http://www. panasonic. com/community/groups-social-welfare-human-work. asp>. PRBA. The program for research on black Americans. <http://www. rcgd. isr. umich. edu/prba/>. Rivera, E. T. (2005). Espiritismo: the flywheel of the Puerto Rican spiritual traditions. Retrieved 17th May 2009 from http://74. 125. 47. 132/search? q=cache:XuM2PRxm6kgJ:www. psicorip. org/Resumos/PerP/RIP/RIP036a0/RIP03933.

pdf+AMERICAN+Puerto+Ricans+SPIRITUALITY&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ke&client=firefox-a The Ohio State University. (January 3rd 2004). Federal programs to help African-American families have ultimately harmed them, book says. Retrieved on 17th may 2009 from <http://researchnews. osu. edu/archive/aframfam. htm>. Valdez, A. (2008). (Page 5 of 20) a family based intervention for gang affiliated Mexican American adolescent Drug users. . Retrieved on 17th may 2009 from <http://www. allacademic. com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/2/4/2/6/3/pages242638/p242638-5. php>.

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