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A capitalist society

A capitalist society could ideologically provide an opportunity that leads to the betterment of its people although not equally and therefore not achieving justice within the system. Capitalism lies on the idea that a person could achieve equality with whomever in terms of power or wealth only through proper utilization of his resources and skills to his advantage and not as a right. However, equality cannot be realized since there are some sectors in the society who lack the necessary means and resources to maximize whatever opportunity is given them.

Thus, social justice or equality can be attained, not only in capitalism, but also in other economic form of society depending on their norms and standards. Social justice is more of a government’s concern than an economic activity as it involves distribution of social and basic goods among the members of the society – equally. Social equality, on one hand, can be associated with an economic activity as it concerns financial and economic rewards.

Ideally, social justice can be equated with social equality but since not everyone is bequeathed with proper resources, not all have the means and the ability to come out with the best result in every opportunity that comes along their way. As mentioned in a text (Primary Source, p. 58) Capitalism delivers many good things but, on the whole, economic equality is not one of them. It has never pretended to deliver economic equality. Rather, capitalism has always stood for equality of economic opportunity, reasonably understood to mean the

absence of official barriers to economic opportunity. As such, this gives us a vivid idea that capitalism does not guarantee us of equality and justice in the society. ”All it gives is a greater abundance of material goods and a great deal of freedom to cope with the problems of the human condition on your own. ”(Primary Source, p. 69) Manpower or labor force is one of the basic proponents in an economic activity as they are the ones who produces the goods and provides the services needed to complete the economic cycle.

Every worker which is a part of the labor force is dependent not only on the compensation that they receive from their output but also on the terms and working conditions provided them by their employers. Maitland claims “That the appropriate test for an ethically acceptable standard for wages and working conditions is not whether it reaches a predetermined standard but rather, if both the wage and the working condition were freely accepted by the reasonably informed workers. ”(Maitland, p.

205) This belief indicates that it is not of prime importance whether the labor force receives just compensation and good working conditions commensurate to their skills, abilities and working hours for as long as the worker is amenable and accepts that what he is getting is fair and just. In societies where unemployment rate is rather high, this belief tends to be an acceptable norm since a worker is left with no choice but to accept it even to the point of getting exploited.

Exploitation and abuse of manpower is parallel to ridding a worker of his freedom, dignity and right to equality in the society. As Ciulla states that “exploitation is not just taking advantage of people who are in need, but also using one’s power over to determine what people need and what they should be willing to trade to fill in their needs. ”(Ciulla, p. 85) It is also noteworthy what Ciulla has noted, “that we own our labor and we own our freedom, that freedom, like labor is something we can barter. ” (Ciulla, p. 85)

Every one in a society should be given not just options but same opportunities as those in power and the common people, as this will encourage them particularly the working class to aim for quality work and double their output in a bid to gain freedom from their needs and uplift their way of living. Between Maitland and Ciulla’s points of view regarding what is just and fair on how a worker must be treated and compensated, I find it more sensible to go along Ciulla’s views and opinions since it concerns not just the welfare of the working class but also the employers and the economy as a whole.

An exploited worker seemed to offer gain at a glance, but looking in a deeper and wider perspective they prove to be a liability in the economy as their output may be in volumes, but the quality of their products are often compromised since their concern is not focused in coming up with the best result but merely to earn and meet their needs.

WORKS CITED Maitland, Ian. “In Defense of International Sweatshops”. American Business and Its Basis: 198 – 206 Ciulla, ___. “Exploitation of Need”. The Working Life: 82- 87 Kristol, Irving. “A Capitalist Conception of Justice”. Ethics, Free Enterprise and Public Policy: Original Essays on Moral Issues in Business (Oxford University Press, 1970): 57 – 69

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