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Effect of the theories on the individual perception of society

Based from the information from reliable sources that were revealed, the functionalist theory gave the individual in the family the philosophy that cooperation is needed to achieve fruitful interdependency and achieve stability of the family as a social unit. In modern times where differentiation of function has evolved to achieve equilibrium in relationship between the family and other social structures, the uregina. ca (2002) revealed that the family look at themselves as responsible for socialization of the children and stabilization of the

psychological make up of adult in line with the accepted norms of society (Parsons’ analysis of the family, 2nd par. ). The conflict theory made possible the acceptance of the view of the individual that each and everyone is governed by a powerful head of the family who is in charge of allocation of scarce resources according to one’s duties and responsibilities. The individual as part of the family institution can call for change in allocation of resources and benefits in order to achieve more stability and harmonious relationship.

The Interactionism theory instilled into the minds of individuals in the family that a common accepted perception of things and events is essential for better understanding and harmony within the family. Moreover, the individual see themselves as responsible for interpreting things and act according to the way it is accepted in society. Social change and theories The functionalism theory according to uregina. ca (2002) regard changes as evolutionary and the need for change arises as a result of efforts to stabilize the structure to achieve 7

harmony among other structures providing the need as basis for interdependency and consensus (Introduction to functionalism, 5th par. ). Moreover, the functionalist theory believe changes to be orderly so as not to cause dramatic structural breaks. As change occurs, societies become more complex with the existence of new institutions or subsystems evolving to perform the new functions to ensure smooth operation of society. The conflict theory on the other hand view changes as absolute necessity as changes are needed in a perpetually changing society (cliffnotes. com, 2000).

They uphold the philosophy that there is always inequality in every social group that result to conflicting values and interest. It is this conflicting values that provide the precursor for change in terms of constant competition to achieve economic equality and provide the reason for the existence of ever changing society (The conflict perspective, 2nd par. ). The prospect of change under the Interactionism theory can also be considered as evolutionary as in the case of the functionalist theory. This is an analytical conclusion based on the fact that people interpret actions based from their

previous interactive experiences (Stephens et al. , 1998, p. 61). Requiring an individual to change his perception will take time as we assign meanings to symbols based from interaction with other members of society and this was developed over long periods and therefore we cannot just implement a revolutionary change. Social view of society as influenced by theories The uregina. ca (2002) revealed that the Functionalist or consensus theory and society expect the family to promote the concept of interdependency and treat the need for change

as evolutionary and not revolutionary as in the case of conflict theory. As change is always directed for the better, the family should be ready for role differentiation to smoothen the equilibrium process within the social structures (Introduction to functionalism, 5th par. ). Under the conflict theory, it can be concluded that society looks at the family to provide the precursor of change as they believe that it is through the dynamic of change that perfection and stability can be attained among social structures. Using the interactionism theory,

society look at the family to be dynamic in their assigning of interpretation as they are the 8 first ones to give meaning to otherwise meaningless existence of society ( Stephens et. al. , 1998, p. 61). On incisive analysis, dynamic interpretation is needed in the face of modernization and information technology so that progress can be achieved and distributed throughout societal structures of a country in a short span of time to preempt misunderstanding. Summary and Conclusion It was proven that family is the basic unit of society and as such is being looked upon as

the primordial source of interpretation, reaction and conflict that bring the structure to function. The three theories combined worked simultaneously and give the needed pressure for the family to adopt and or change the status of societal structures which provide for the needs of society in order to exist and achieve stability through the rigors of time and modernization. The family has evolved from being the producer, distributor and user of the things needed by society to a role of stabilizer to ensure that structures stand on firm ground of beliefs made more concrete by consensus.

The differentiation of society is a reaction of the structure to achieve equilibrium and provide the necessary safety net against the effect of disruptions brought about by needed new roles as supported by the functionalist theory. Gender equality which in ancient time is considered taboo is now accepted by modern society of men and women due to changing interpretation and meaning as supported by the Interactionism theory. The theories provide the answers for age old question of why some countries are more progressive than others. It also provide the answer to why some nations have to wage war to

achieve the fundamental change needed for them to achieve progress. If only the family as the fundamental unit will be satisfied with interdependency arrangement and deliver each other responsibility, then misunderstanding can be pre-empted. Terrorism and war will be prevented as change achieved in revolutionary ways were proven short lived. Taking care of family’s perception of society as guided by the three theories therefore is the key to understanding among countries and the path to achieving the elusive world peace. 9 References Cliffnotes. com (2000).

Three Major Perspectives in Sociology. Retrieved June 16, 2009 from http://www. cliffsnotes. com/WileyCDA/CliffsReviewTopic/Three-Major- Perspectives-in-Sociology. topicArticleId-26957,articleId-26837. html Stephens, P. , Leach, A. , Jones, H. and Taggart, L. (1998). Think Sociology. Cheltenham, Gloucetershire United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes Publisher Uregina. ca (2002). Functionalism and Parsons. Retrieved June 16, 2009 from http://uregina. ca/~gingrich/n2202. htm Witt, D. D. (1987). A conflict theory of family violence. Journal of Family Violence, 2(4), 291-301

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