A Single Component Substation That Makes Use Of A Insulation Device With An Unparallel Insulation Performance Assures A Greater Density Value With An Enhanced Environmental Favorability As It Has The Ability To Decrease The Substation Area Or Space To Close To Approximately 50% Of The Space Needed By The Latest Gas Substations. In Order To Be Able To Research The Typical Design For This Substation, Identification Of The Major Application Tools, Methods And Technologies Was Made And They Include The Hyper Link Application, An Application To Determine The Interior Of Solids, The Solid Insulation AC Changer Application. The Technology Also Includes A Form Of Design Technique That Will Incorporate All The Application Together. Another Target Of The Project Is The Design Of A Package Substation That Can Gives Rise To Another Substation By Simply Linking The Installed Boxes. The Technologies Involved Include The Insulation Transformer Application And The Large Current Connection Technology Called The Hyperlink Technology. B) 1.Iinsulation Transformer Application The Achievement Of CO2 Volume Discharge, The Design Of Portable Small Solid Transformer, The Realization Of Thirty Percent Decrease Of Loss In Comparison With The Existing Orthodox Transformer Is Aimed At By The Use Of Spiral Shaped Coil With Horizontal Loop And A Heat Conductivity Gadget In Order To Lower The Coil Temperature. Two Coils Are Designed One With Orthodox Copper Wire And The Other With Horizontal Spiral Winding And The Two Are Compared For Temperature Increase At The Middle Of The Winding. The Outcome Reveals A Fall In The Temperature And This Triggered The Possibility Of Remarkable Design At A 345 Kilovolt, 300MVA Solid Transformer With Smaller Size In Terms Of Weight And Volume Than The Orthodox Transformer While Establishing A Close To Thirty Percent Decrease In The Heat Loss. 2. Hyperlink Application In Order To Achieve This Small But Efficiently Arranged Linking Device Needed For The Connection Of The 345KV Gadget At The Substation, A Hyperlink Was Developed. This Allows For Super Connection As It Gives Opportunity For Connection And Disconnection Operations In A Highly Adaptable And Flexible Cable By Making Use Of A Connector. Evaluating The Insulation Size And Capacity Reveals That A 345 Kilovolt Linker Having A Low Capacity (1/25m3) Which Is Closely O.2 Fraction Of That Of Common And Usual 345 Kilovolt XLPS Energy Cable Linker(1/5m3) Can Be Generated With A DC- Insulation Power Of Interfacial State Leaving Out The Limitations Of An Air Containing Layer. References Proposal Of Solid Substation", CRIEPI Report W00047 (April, 2001) Development Of Compact Soil Insulation Connector (Hyper-Connector)", CRIEPI Report W01025 (April, 2002) Zuberi, K.H (2003). "Powerline Carrier (PLC) Communication Systems". Retrieved On May 16, 2009 From Http://www.it.kth.se - Best Essay Writing Service Reviews Reviews | Get Coupon Or Discount 2016
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A single component substation that makes use of a insulation device with an unparallel insulation performance assures a greater density value with an enhanced environmental favorability as it has the ability to decrease the substation area or space to close to approximately 50% of the space needed by the latest gas substations. In order to be able to research the typical design for this substation, identification of the major application tools, methods and technologies was made and they include the hyper link application, an application to determine the interior of solids, the solid insulation AC changer application. The technology also includes a form of design technique that will incorporate all the application together. Another target of the project is the design of a package substation that can gives rise to another substation by simply linking the installed boxes. The technologies involved include the insulation transformer application and the large current connection technology called the hyperlink technology. B) 1.Iinsulation transformer application The achievement of CO2 volume discharge, the design of portable small solid transformer, the realization of thirty percent decrease of loss in comparison with the existing orthodox transformer is aimed at by the use of spiral shaped coil with horizontal loop and a heat conductivity gadget in order to lower the coil temperature. Two coils are designed one with orthodox copper wire and the other with horizontal spiral winding and the two are compared for temperature increase at the middle of the winding. The outcome reveals a fall in the temperature and this triggered the possibility of remarkable design at a 345 kilovolt, 300MVA solid transformer with smaller size in terms of weight and volume than the orthodox transformer while establishing a close to thirty percent decrease in the heat loss. 2. Hyperlink application In order to achieve this small but efficiently arranged linking device needed for the connection of the 345KV gadget at the substation, a hyperlink was developed. This allows for super connection as it gives opportunity for connection and disconnection operations in a highly adaptable and flexible cable by making use of a connector. Evaluating the insulation size and capacity reveals that a 345 kilovolt linker having a low capacity (1/25m3) which is closely o.2 fraction of that of common and usual 345 kilovolt XLPS energy cable linker(1/5m3) can be generated with a DC- insulation power of interfacial state leaving out the limitations of an air containing layer. References Proposal of Solid Substation”, CRIEPI Report W00047 (April, 2001) Development of Compact Soil Insulation Connector (Hyper-Connector)”, CRIEPI Report W01025 (April, 2002) Zuberi, K.H (2003). “Powerline Carrier (PLC) Communication systems”. Retrieved on May 16, 2009 from http://www.it.kth.se

Nobody would have thought that our country, America, would go through a financial crisis of such a magnitude as what we are experiencing now.   But then, some people would say that we had it coming all along.  Author Chris Clugston has written at Culture Change that our present condition has been brought on by our incessant fondness for the nice things to buy, fun things to do, exciting places to go to.  Indeed, most of us have lived well beyond our means.  We thrived in a world where almost everything was possible – such was the American dream that millions from the rest of the world so wanted to live.

It has now become a dream devoid of its original lure.  One look at America now would make anybody marvel at how different it has become from the awesome leading economic power that it was before.  The people of America have to stand united in a strong resolve to rebuild the country.  Otherwise, the America of old would forever be gone.

The needed change would be hard to work for.  Old habits such as those of so-called “shopaholics” are difficult to give up, and the mindset that considers burgeoning balances in credit card accounts as nothing to be alarmed about will seem to prevail for some time yet.  According to the data presented by the Georgia Consortium, university heads have declared that more students had to quit school because of their credit card debts as compared to the college dropouts who could not make it through their subjects.

The average credit card debt per American household is also on the rise; it has had a steep ascent from $2,985 in 1990 to $9,024 in 2004.  Unsurprisingly, too, more than half of Americans are believed to have no sufficient savings to enable them to afford the same standard of living that they have enjoyed during their younger, working years.  Without a doubt, Americans have lived with too much excess and with unrepentant overindulgence.

Despite the enormity of the changes that have to be effected, it remains that these changes are workable changes.  They involve reaffirming the correct values and attitudes regarding money, credit, lifestyle setting and the habit of saving.  Well-timed reality checks should remind us all to exercise prudence and caution in defining what are within our means and what we have to accept as beyond our means.

Changes in the credit and banking systems of America are seen to continually be conceived and implemented until banks and investment houses mold people into becoming conscientious spenders, sensible investors and wise planners of their own financial future.  One way to achieve this is to discourage today’s youth from relentless use of credit cards without much thought of how they can manage to fully pay out their debts.

This way, they would be free from the slavery instituted by credit card companies and their exorbitant interest charges.  It is a sad realization that adults alike need to be given the same advice regarding credit cards.  Indeed, credit has become so accessible that people have generally forgotten to value the integrity that comes with purchasing through credit only products and services that they can well afford.

People have learned to find ways to buy things that they would never have been capable of buying – not under normal circumstances.  They now have at least three or four credit cards, and they almost naturally are all up to their necks in debt.

The banks should be lambasted for having lured the consumers into a hopeless state of indebtedness.  The business and marketing institutions similarly ought to stand in trial for their substantive contribution to the massive consumerism that has been in place in America’s economy.  The society, as a whole, embraced all the kinds of products and services that the industries could offer.  It was a snowball that eventually became much too big to be ignored.

Through it all, we have roles to play for the plan to work.  America needs all the support that it could solicit from its people and even from other governments, if possible.  The cause – America’s financial and economic recovery – is too real to be ignored.  With the right leaders, the needed changes would soon be established in place.  With relevant information and media intervention, the way towards recovery would be drummed in right, presented right and taught right to the people of America.

Works Cited

Clugston, Chris. “Excessive Consumption – America’s Real Addiction.”  Culture Change.  20   October 2007.  Sustainable Energy Institute.  06 July 2009 <http://www.culturechange.   org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=128&Itemid=1>.

“Making A Case For Financial Literacy.” Georgia Consortium. 06 July 2009             <http://georgiaconsortium.org/documents/Making%20a%20Case%20for%20Financial%2            0Literacy.pps>

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