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Involved in business

My family has always been involved in business and we owe much of our financial independence in this field. I have seen through my parents the interesting world of business and this provided me the inspiration and the challenge to pursue a course in Business as well. This makes my father, my mother, my older brother and my younger sister as having the most influence on my chosen career. My father is the Chief Executive Officer of Koram Steel, an international exporting firm of wire and steel products to the US and Japan, with headquarters in South Korea.

My mother is the Chief Financial Officer of Koram Steel. My older brother, James, holds a Certified Public Accountancy license and currently works for an Accounting firm in South Korea. My younger sister, Sarah, is still in college and she majors in Finance and Economics. With a family like ours you would think that we eat, drink and breathe business even at the dinner table. We do so, perhaps, more often than not. What matters to us is that we get to see each other often than most families in the line we are into. Business is to us what football or basketball must be for the others.

I am still in school pursuing a post-graduate degree in Business. Someday I would like to be a Certified Public Accountant like my brother or a Chief Financial Auditor in an accounting firm. With the rest of my family’s experience in business, their advice would be very important and helpful. While I am still learning the theories, they are already in the application side. They are one in saying that success in business does not come overnight, the job is a hundred percent persistence and hard work, and it is also about seizing the opportunities when they come.

They also say that a good business man is honest, has an excellent feel for the needs of the customer and attends to them in the best way he could. They expect me to learn on my own. They say that not everything is learned through the classroom. From their own experiences, they found that one has to live the lessons from the mistakes one makes so that later they will have be bold enough to take risks, which is inevitable in business as it is in life. In building up a company, they had to start from the bottom. It was difficult and no decent businessman would say it was not.

From the bottom to the top, each step was a progress. Learning all about the business, every turn and every stop, demanded vision and focus. They have done these and they know, I can too. These are their expectations of me based on their own experiences. I am challenged and motivated to meet their expectations. I had made becoming a CPA or CFA as my vision. I take each day to make one step at a time, learning and doing something which will lead me to my vision. I have not lost focus and if I sometimes I strayed off course, I take that as the misstep that is part of the process.

I believe that attitude and drive will help me to stay focused and help me realize my goals. The challenges that come my way are numerous and unexpected. Sometimes they come when I least expect them. The first challenge comes from the perceived competition with my accomplished parents and sibling. They are ahead of me in the league and there is this anxiety in me that I should not fail because it would be embarrassing. At this stage, they seem to be beyond failing. The second challenge is feeling of insecurity among my family.

I worry that my achievements would not be at par with theirs. Would I be a millionaire at 30 or CEO at 40? The third challenge is the nagging question in me if I will be as good as them. I seemed to have set them as my standard, my yardstick to measure up. Family will always be family. The love and care they have showered me with and the support to weather come-what-may in life. They have inspired, motivated, given me good advice, and challenged me no end, all because they wanted to lift me up in my chosen career.

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