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Life Struggles, as Presented in Frost’s Poem

The 1920 poem, The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost, discussed a particular situation wherein a dilemma is presented characterizing the poet’s choices in life; illustrated as a divergence of the road that he had to traverse. Here, Frost’s mastery of his art can be evidenced by the very structure of his poem, supplemented by a theme that caters to almost every member of the society, making it perhaps one of the most read and analyzed literary works in the history of contemporary art.

The superiority of Frost’s work enables the reader to partake in his experiences and to personally witness the emotions conveyed in the poem based on the artistic appeal, the technicality, and the metaphors employed, which will comprise the topics of discussion of this analytical attempt. Point of View Firstly, the poem was told in the first person point of view, thus, it was Frost himself who was conveying to his readers, the dilemma that governed his emotions during the particular time.

This can be evidenced in his employment of the word, “I”, in several instances, adding to the argument aforementioned. Such was true in lines two and three, wherein he lamented, “And Sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I stood” (Frost 1). Perhaps the deliberate choice to use the first person point of view stems from his purpose of making the poem more effective and more personal, as the repeated use of the word “I” will make the readers perceive that it is them that the poem is referring, as compared to the detachment when other viewpoints are utilized. Meter

In respect to the poem’s meter, the most appropriate manner to distinguish this is by narrating the poem out loud and not to put added emphasis on the accents. Thus, it should resemble a conversational recitation of the aforementioned piece. Based on this method, it is clear that Frost employed its feet to form a tetrameter—as it has four feet per line. As an example of this argument, the first two lines with its distinct characteristic are as follows: “Two roads / di-verged / in a yel / low wood, And be / one trav el / er long / I stood” (Frost 1), with the bold texts representing the stressed syllables.

Rhyme Several techniques of rhyme was employed by Frost in this poetic masterpiece, nevertheless, it is most notable that he had utilized a masculine form of end rhymes, as they comprised only of a single syllable. This is true despite of the word difference in the fourth verse, primarily because of its rhyme in the last syllable that corresponds with hence in line 17. Thus, the rhymes of The Road Not Taken are: abaab for the first verse; cdccd for the second; efeef for the third; and ghggh for the last verse. Tone

Although superficially the poem is exhibiting a positive or cheerful tone, when read in its entirety it becomes melancholic, sorrowful, and sad. This is true especially since the poem is suggestive of the idea of aging and of a looming hour of death. The fourth verse is especially representative of these emotions, as its use of the word sigh and “Some ages and ages hence” (Frost 1) clearly implied the poet’s advanced age; that although he was thankful that he chose the correct road, he knew that his time of youth had already passed.

This irony of sorts is also the idea behind the confusion that the word difference in the fourth verse is able to effect to its readers, particularly as it implies the idea that he had lived a fruitful life, yet is mournful of the reality that his road is already nearing its end. Metaphor In the poem The Road Not Taken, several metaphors were utilized in order to add emphasis on the poet’s intended message. The very first of these metaphors is to be found in the first line, where it reads, “Two roads diverged in a yellow road” (Frost 1).

Here, what is suggested by the word yellow is life itself, mainly, the vibrancy and animation of youth, as Frost had perceived himself to be during his younger years. Also, as this poem is suggestive of the human struggles in his quest to succeed, the position of yellow on the early part of the poem, just as youth endeavors to make a difference to his society, adds to the verity of this claim. In the same manner, the employment of the words undergrowth in line five and of wood in line eighteen strongly implies of the hardships that one face during his years of struggling to attain stability, both financial and emotional.

It uses these words as a metaphor in suggesting a dangerous environment, characterized by the dangers associated with wild life and forests. Conclusion Clearly, Robert Frost, through his poem The Road Not Taken, intended for its readers, especially the youth, to have courage and face whatever destiny has obliged them to endure. It is a challenge for the readers to make the most of their innate capabilities and talents, and not to cower from the difficulties that hinder their road to self fulfillment.

Although unstated, this poem had presented Frost’s own perception of his success, particularly of the fact that his choosing to take the road not taken during his younger years made all the difference that resulted to his achievements later in life. Perhaps more significant than being a poetic masterpiece, this poem allowed us to have a glimpse of ourselves, in years and decades ahead, if we choose not to confront the necessary challenges that will open opportunities towards our own success. Work Cited Frost, Robert. The Road Not Taken. 1920. Bartleby. com. 11 May 2010 <http://www. bartleby. com/119/1. html>

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