One Minute Of My Life In Biopsychological Terms - Best Essay Writing Service Reviews Reviews | Get Coupon Or Discount 2016
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One Minute Of My Life In Biopsychological Terms

I have just seated myself before my desk and am preparing this essay regarding the description of approximately one minute of my life in biopsychological terms. As I am writing this essay, I am typing the letters of words on my laptop and I have been instructed to write approximately four pages of this particular event that I have chosen. There are different senses that I pick up as I attempt to finish this essay. I will initially describe my sensory functions, which pertain to what I currently feel as I go through my typing.

I am aware that I am currently seated right before my desk and the hands are on top of the keys of the keyboard of my laptop. I am also aware that the sun is still shining outside because there is still sunlight shining through the window that is positioned next to my desk. There are photoreceptors in the retina of my eyes and thus this allows me to sense light (Morey et al. , 2008). My dog is sitting right beside me and I could feel his head resting on my left thigh. The sensation is due to the mechanoreceptors that are present on my thigh, which are responsible for sensing any pressure that occurs on any part of my body.

I can also feel warmth on the area of my thigh when my dog’s head is resting as I type this essay and this sensation is due to the thermoreceptors that are also present in that particular part of my body. In order to survive this challenging essay, I am trying to breathe deep and in a regular rhythm so that my heartbeat will remain normal. This physiological mechanism allows me to partake of enough oxygen from the air that I breathe and this will get me through the entire essay. As I type these words, I am hitting each specific letter on the keyboard and spelling out the words I want written in this essay.

My fingers hit the right keys and I know that I have just pressed on a key because the tips of my fingers also have mechanoreceptors, just like the ones present on my thigh. I can also hear the clicking sound of each key as I hit it with any one of my fingers. The sense of hearing is thus also employed in this endeavor. My eyes are facilitate in this writing stint, because I have to see that I am writing four pages for this essay and that I have to make sure that my spelling is correct.

I have turned on the spell check command in this word processing software and thus any incorrect spelling will be underlined in red and my eyes will sense such color and this will emit an impulse that will be transferred from my eyes to my brain. The brain, in turn, will process the message that I have typed in the wrong letters to spell the word and in milliseconds I will react to this error and I will immediately delete the misspelled word and type the correct word instead. All these sensory receptors are thus responsible for specific stimuli such as heat, light and pressure and are thus transmitted to the spinal cord.

Once the messages of light, heat and pressure reach the spinal cord, further conduction occurs and the message is further transmitted to the thalamus of the brain. Conduction then consequently occurs towards the cerebral cortex, which is considered as the main processing center of the brain. This allows the proper reaction towards each of the stimuli that I have just described. Since the stimuli of light, heat and pressure and all friendly to my current condition, I do not violently react to these stimuli and instead accept and allow such stimuli to remain as they are.

I appreciate my dog keeping me company as I type this essay, but now I noticed that he has grown tired of waiting on me and has now laid down underneath my chair and fallen asleep. In order to reach four pages of this essay, I will continue on describing the sensory pathways that are involved in this moment. The clicking sound coming from the typing strokes of my fingers are associated with mechanoreceptors. In specific detail, there are different corpuscles that are present at the tips of my fingers.

These allow me to feel that I have touched each key of the laptop and that I do not need to exert any additional pressure in order to type these words. The Meissner’s corpuscles are small capsules underneath the epidermal region of my fingers and these allow me to feel that I have hit a key or not. These corpuscles are also present on the rest of my hand, such as the palms, as well as on the soles of my feet. The same corpuscles are also present on my lips. For fine touch, the Merkel’s discs are also present on my skin and this also facilitates in my typing.

There are also Pacinian corpuscles present on my fingers and these look like knobs that contain cylindrical structures similar to that of an onion. In order to keep track of my typing, my sight should be maintained through different bodily structures. The cornea is the first eye part that comes in contact with the screen of my laptop and thus allows light to enter through my eyes so I can read what I am composing in this essay. The iris also helps in my writing because it controls that amount of light that will be allowed to enter through the pupil.

If the screen of my laptop is too bright, then the iris closes so that I will not squint from the excessive brightness. The light is thus the stimulus and the iris contains the photoreceptors that transmit the message towards the spinal cord. Further transmission from the spinal cord occurs to the brain and thus processes the message that the light is too bright for my eyes and thus the brain reacts by sending a reflex response that my iris should regulate the amount of light that should be allowed to enter my eyes.

From the brain, the message goes back down to the optic nerve, which is connected to the iris which closes as quickly as the message is received. The thinking process that is involved in writing this essay makes use of the cortex of the brain, which is the main processing center of the human body. Writing this essay involves both symbols in the form of letters and words that construct these sentences, as well as the main idea that these sentences aim to present (Saur et al. , 2008). In order to generate a coherent essay such as this, the diencephalon of the brain is also employed, so that everything I write in this essay makes sense.

The basal ganglia, as well as the hippocampus, also allow me to generate certain emotions that will also facilitate in my description of this writing stint (Tregellas et al. , 2009). It is also helpful that I remember what I have already mentioned earlier in this essay and thus the short-term memory is used for this endeavor. Short-term memory is generally stored in the synaptic connections between the nerve cells of the brain. The limbic system of the brain is also used in forming emotions that will be essential in this essay.

Since I am only describing approximately one minute of my life in biopsychological terms, I am using most of the brain faculties such as the cerebral cortex, which processes the words itself, while the limbic system allows me to control my emotions and not sound utterly sensitive of the description of this writing process. The frontal lobe of my brain allows me to recognize ideas that are needed to complete this essay. The temporal lobes of my brain, on the other hand, helps me associate one idea with another, and also helps me initiate motor activities that will help me in moving my fingers to hit the keys of the laptop.

Both sensory and motor skills are thus used in order to complete this essay. The frontal lobes of my brain receives messages from the muscles of my fingers that I have already hit specific keys on the laptop and that is how I know that I have already types almost four pages for this essay. Coordination is also needed in writing an essay. I now know that I am almost done with this essay and this knowledge is influenced by the cerebellum. This part of the brain also allows me to sit upright on my chair and I type away this essay.

The cerebellum also gives me balance as I sit upright and this prevents me from falling off the chair, or even falling forward or backward while sitting. My dog is now awake and I can smell his breath on my face. His breath is warm and these are sensed by thermoreceptors on my face and arms. Since this essay is now complete, my parasympathetic nerve have started stimulating my gustatory senses, indicating that it is now time to eat. References Morey, M. , Yee, S. K. , Herman, T. , Nern, A. , Blanco, E. and Zipursky, S. L. (2008). Coordinate control of synaptic-layer specificity and rhodopsins in photoreceptor neurons.

Nature, 456, 795-799. Saur, D. , Kreher, B. W. , Schnell, S. , Kummerer, D. , Kellmeyer, P. , Vry, M. S. , Umarova, R. , Musso, M. , Glauche, V. , Abel, S. , Huber, W. , Rijntjes, M. , Hennig, J. and Weiller, C. (2008). Ventral and dorsal pathways for language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 105, 18035-18040. Tregellas, J. R. , Ellis, J. , Shatti, S. , Du, Y. P. and Rojas, D. C. (2009). Increased hippocampal, thalamic, and prefrontal hemodynamic response to an urban noise stimulus in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166, 354-60.

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