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Outbreak Simulation Assignment

The Watersedge outbreak happened after the Thompson Park launched a summer clean up drive where a lot of people participated. It is an activity that aimed to clean the entire park and make it more enjoyable for the people. Unfortunately, several participants got sick after the event. Investigations are done to determine the root cause of the problem. II. Investigation and Discussion of Results: Medical interviews showed that most of the people who got sick experienced symptoms like diarrhea, nausea and loss of appetite/weight. Other patients also experienced headache, fever, vomiting, cramping and gas problems.

Activities done by the patients and the places where they have been prior to the day that they experienced those symptoms were recorded and analyzed. A mapping technique is conducted to determine the place where most of the cases occurred. Results showed that most of the patients had been at the Thompson Park. A visit was done in the park to collect data that can aid in the investigation process. Possible places where water samples can be taken were also determined from the data collected. Another mapping technique was also done to give the department an idea of where in the park do most of the cases occurred.

Patients’ statements showed that they drank water from the water fountains found in the park. They also drank fruit punches that can be availed at the park’s concession. Based from mapping, most of the cases occurred at the park’s concession. Most cases of diarrhea and nausea are caused by drinking dirty water. This is because water contains millions of microorganisms and if not treated properly may lead to various diseases (Gracey 7). This fact as well as the patients’ statement led the department to take water samples.

Water samples were taken from the water in the beach, drain and the fountains found near the softball field and near the beach. Fruit punch sample was also taken from the park’s concession. Water samples were tested in the department’s laboratory and results were analyzed. Based from the laboratory test, all the water and fruit punch samples are negative of any bad microorganisms except for the water sample taken from the fountain near the beach. It is positive with a parasite called Cryptosporidium which is a microscopic pathogen that lives in the intestines of animals and people and causes a disease called “cryptosporidiosis”.

According to the public information officer, the entire park is supplied by city water except for the fountain near the beach that gets water from the old well in the area. The reason why the fountain near beach contains Cryptosporidium is that the old pipes are not replaced during the upgrade, causing the parasites to be isolated in one spot. Other reasons that aided the transfer of parasite in the well are heavy rains and water run-off from the cattle farm located near the park. Since Cryptosporidium live in animals, the water during the heavy rain must have carried the parasites from the farm to the well.

The development and spread of the outbreak was caused by the concession’s use of water from the tainted fountain to make fruit punches. According to the concession’s crew, during the park clean up day, the water to the concession stand that has a good record for sanitation was turned off so the crew was forced to get water from the fountain near the beach. The crew did not know that the fountain filter malfunctioned during that day so the water was not treated and were transferred to the fruit punches. The crew also pointed out that they sold a lot of fruit punches that day because it was summer and several participants joined the event.

Because the fruit punches were contaminated, a lot of people got sick. III. Findings Report From the results found, the urgency to communicate it to the public especially to the affected people and to the park’s management is highly needed. The purpose of this action is to let the people know of the hazards in the environment and will let them be cautious of everything that they eat or drink that can affect their health. This will also guide the concession’s management in food sanitation to avoid further medical cases.

For the park’s management, this will let them know of the measures that they need to take in maintaining the park and making it safe for the people. The information will include the findings from the investigation and the causes of it. Basic information about Cryptosporidium and other parasites that can contaminate water will also be included. Ways on how to avoid diseases like diarrhea, cholera and other water related diseases will also be discussed. More importantly, basic sanitation will be included to avoid such cases from happening again. The information will be disseminated through newspapers and bulletin boards located in the area.

Information flyers will also be distributed to the people encouraging them to attend a seminar that will talk about the results of the outbreak and the ways that they need to take to avoid getting those illnesses. A site visit is also suggested to allow people to see the place where the parasites are isolate and be aware of it. Freebies and other benefits may be offered to further motivate the people to attend the seminar. Televisions and radios will also be used to effectively communicate the information. News and short advertisements will be helpful in the dissemination of the information.

The information that will be shared through media, will inform not only the people in the area but also other people in other areas about the hazards of water contamination. IV. Conclusion Health sanitation is very important in every place to ensure a healthy and disease-free living. Proper urban planning and awareness in public health aids a lot in the maintenance and sanitation of a place. Through these ways and with the help of people’s cooperation, a safe and healthy place will never be impossible. References: Gracey, Michael. Diarrhea. CRC Press, 1991.

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