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Wealth management

I do now realize that man is bound to make mistakes in life. To err is only being human but a conscious effort at correcting the past is like the return of a prodigal son who has learnt skills at wealth management. With high sense of regret, I wake up every morning to condemn the past circumstances that led to my dismissal from the institution on account of my academic nonperformance. This began two years ago when my friend was involved in a ghastly road accident that resulted in serious hand fracture.

My friend being a foreign student, he has limited support from distant relatives and I seemed to be the only helper around to render assistance. I got so engrossed in sharing the burden to a fault at the expense of my academics. A reflection on the way I handled my academics subsequently do convict my conscience. I did substitute academic engagement for academic tardiness, laissez-faire attitude, and laziness. I must stress at this juncture that this untoward attitude is highly regretted. I foolishly let loose the holding of academic integrity; I got so destabilized and lost my self confidence.

This affected several efforts aimed at catching up in the second and third semesters for the overwhelming fear of dismissal that eventually happened. Subsequent to two years experience in life especially at 123 College where I worked full time with high level of responsibility, I have got the first mission to forgive myself and draft out a purpose driven plan towards the pursuit of academic excellence if given a second chance. I now see myself as a highly responsive individual who will stop at nothing to fulfill a revitalized goal to study in your institution which I am already familiar.

I have trained myself with value-adding skills that have reformed and informed my present burning passion for success against all odds if given the second chance. A new birth of insight has done on me to be dogged and competently handle any unforeseen situation in life ahead without losing focus. I so much believe my punctuality at work in 123 colleges is a training that demonstrates a mastery of good time management. I earnestly look forward to a successful future in your institution if given the second chance.

My proposed plan to constantly evaluate myself so as to keep focus, sustain drive in the pursuit of goal per time and the extension of my experienced time management ability will kick any future appearance of laziness. Furthermore, I plan to prepare early enough for semesters’ examination, thus, allaying examination fear or tension and ensure excellent grade that I now strongly desire. I sincerely appeal to you with a deep sense of sobriety and remorse, to take my past academic ineptitude as a shame that did evolve the present mind of unalloyed focus and drives to take study serious if given another opportunity. I see hope.

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