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Cities, Change and Conflict

Immigration is generally defined as the movement of people from one place or another. While it connotes long-term residence in the new place, seasonal labor migration is considered as a type of immigration. Immigration in the United States has been ongoing for many years. In fact, the people of the United States are mostly descended from immigrants who came from all over the globe. Before government was established in America, Indians, who came to America before any other ethnic group, did not turn away on the ground of being foreigners those who traveled and braved many perils seeking to build new lives.

Battles and skirmishes only happened as a result of territorial disputes and communal issues. At present, this kind of movement does not happen anymore. People looking for better opportunities in other lands have to adhere to laws and policies that regulate who and how many people are to enter a particular country. Boundaries have been set and many of those considered illegal immigrants are imprisoned just because they lack proper documentation. There are three noted immigration waves in the United States, each corresponding to economic booms.

Based on studies, the main factor that caused people to flock to wealthier nations is to look for opportunities to earn more in order to improve their families’ standard of living (Kleniewski, 1997, p. 72-73). In this regard, I am all for immigration in order to share the wealth of our country to those living in poorer nations. The readings that most influenced my stance are Joseph H. Carens’ Aliens and Citizens and William H. A. Williams’ Immigration as a Pattern in American Culture. Carens highlighted how Latin Americans, for example, braved the heat while traveling in

cramped spaces inside covered vehicles in the Arizona desert just to reach the land they think 2 would provide them with work and income that is fair and reasonable. These people are normally the ordinary, peaceful type who only wanted decent, secure lives for their families. They should be accepted because they’re not going to be liabilities in the country because they’re here to earn a living. Carens pointed out that a state’s primary task is to protect the people within its territory against violations of their rights.

It is therefore not morally just for the state to keep out immigrants at gunpoint. These immigrants have basic rights as individuals, and as long they don’t pose a threat to other individuals, then the state should not interfere. If a rancher from the United States would like to engage the services of laborers from Cuba, then, that hiring process shouldn’t be prohibited by the government. The transaction is between individuals and it doesn’t endanger anyone.

Robert Nozick, a contemporary representative of the property rights tradition, as cited by Carens, argued that a nation’s lands are not the collective property of its citizens. In other words, the state can only exercise control to the extent of enforcing the individual owner’s rights. In William H. A. Williams’ work, he pointed out the even within the United States, the people have a habit of moving from one place to another; from one city to the next; or from city to suburb. Immigration is a way of life for Americans. As such, there is no basis for keeping out people who’d want to settle in the country.

Despite cultural and physical differences, all ethnic groups share with us the same basic goals of providing for the family’s needs, the children’s education, a comfortable and safe dwelling, and other material comforts. In any diverse community, the most important thing is for every individual, local or immigrant, to make positive contributions to the growth and welfare of the group. The person’s color or culture shouldn’t matter as long as he does not pose a danger to anyone. Reference Kleniewski, N. (1997). “Cities, Change and Conflict. ” Wadsworth.

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