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Faultless Musical Pieces of the Romantic Period

The musical pieces in discussion that were composed during the 19th century, namely Frederic Chopin’s Nocturne in E Flat Major, Domenico Gaetano Donizetti’s Lucia Di Lammermoor-Mad Scene, and Giacomo Puccini’s Nessun Dorma Turandot, are all regarded as belonging to the Romantic Period. Several reasons can be considered as the bases for this categorization, all of which are founded on the musicality that are pertaining to the aforementioned period.

These are in the forms of their extended melodies as compared to the classical genre of the earlier musical epochs, wherein an entirety of a musical piece usually comprises of a fusion of several of these; the presentation of a single musical theme, as evidenced in Chopin’s aforementioned piece, resulting perhaps as a consequence of the range and the prolonged melody of the piano; and the general effect that this creates to the musical piece, wherein it becomes more passionate and emotionally expressive.

Although the term Romantic Period may not always necessarily imply emotions on affectionate love, its music can nevertheless create sentiments that are bordering on these aspects as evidenced by the particular emotion that each of the piece in discussion stimulates to its audience. Firstly, Chopin’s Nocturne in E Flat Major (Chopin, 2008) seems to strongly suggest and even invoke a mixed feeling of melancholy and happiness.

Perhaps as a result of the continuous melody played on the piano, this piece evokes the listener to recall fond memories of his/her childhood years with all the joyous aspects such as familial love and security, simple yet fulfilling aspirations, and contentment. At the same time it is able to evoke sadness as a result of the realization that those years and the simplicity of life that it brings can never be re-possessed.

The pauses that can be heard on several instances on the said piece also seem to serve as respites for these emotions by temporarily allowing the listener a break from a barrage of memories, only to be happily tormented once more by the onslaught of another set of masterfully-composed music. The next piece in discussion that is able to effect a variety of emotions is Lucia Di Lammermoor, composed by Donizetti and seen on Youtube. com as performed by Anna Moffo (Donisetti, 2009).

Here, what is significantly apparent is the very diverse yet profound employment of music dynamics, as what can be evidenced from the numerous crescendos, decrescendos, fortepiano, and fortissimo piano, among others. Although somewhat stronger and more aggressive than Chopin’s Nocturne, this piece is nonetheless capable of inducing a feeling of romantic love. Based on the aforementioned video, it is strongly suggestive of a woman’s love that is bordering on obsession and outright extremity.

However, when regarded minus the visual presentation as provided by Youtube, an emotion of tender love begins to surface. Contradictory to the initial emotions that were forwarded, one realizes that it is the woman’s inner strength in being able to give her love without any restrictions that was formerly mistaken as an obsessive form. Last among the pieces in discussion is Puccini’s Nessun Dorma.

In listening to this particular musical piece that was performed by Luciano Pavarotti as seen on Youtube.com (Puccini, 2008), one is hurriedly faced with the magnitude of the emotion that is being conveyed by the said piece. Evidently this piece conveys of hope as well as of demise, in a romantic sense. Somehow, the string instruments played by the symphony, with its distinct shifts on music dynamics seem to convey the intensity of the need for the man’s love to be expressed, yet the vocal rendition seems to show a theme that is reminiscent of either disappointment or of an agonizing failure, perhaps even of death.

The employment of a tenor in rendering the vocals has likewise added to the effect of this emotion being conveyed, particularly on the last part constituting a very distinct mezzoforte, and where clearly emotions bordering on sorrow were expressly divulged. Hence, the unanimity and the harmonic fluidity of all these aspects were successful in its aim of creating a musical piece that is possessing of very strong emotions. References Chopin, F. (Composer). (2008).

Frederic Chopin-Nocturne in E Flat Major [music video]. Retrieved August 14, 2010, from <http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=5ZUw78FXpG4> Donizetti, D. G. (Composer). (2009). Anna Moffo-Lucia Di Lammermoor [music video]. Retrieved August 14, 2010, from <http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=6d6ElVAhHqA> Puccini, G. (Composer). (2008). Luciano Pavarotti-Nessun Dorma [music video]. Retrieved August 14, 2010, from <http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=_ovcNw8xr64>

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