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WHETHER the society realizes it or not, their daily decisions as to what they will wear are shaped at least to a degree by fashion. Ultimately, the forces of fashion largely determine what is available to buy. Even items of clothing that people now take for granted were once the latest style. The man’s dress shirt and necktie, for instance, became the fashion rage over a century ago. And the woman’s sweater became an established style back in the 1920’s.

Two basic desires fuel the fashion industry—novelty and conformity. Nearly everyone likes to wear something new. That is why we sometimes buy clothes, not because an older garment has worn out, but simply because we want a change. At the same time, we do not want to look out of place, so we buy clothes that conform to some degree to the style worn by our associates. Over the centuries the clothing industry has catered to—and sometimes exploited—these desires for novelty and conformity.

The involvement of these fashion elements shall be the main focus of the research that is being proposed herein. Through the attention given to the said issue in fashion, the researcher shall identify the primary reasons behind the demise of the Haute Couture and the rise of the Pret-A-Port Design in the fashion industry. With this primary issue in mind, the researcher expects to broaden the minds of the readers with regards the importance of seeing fashion in a balanced way that it should not be more than just the necessary.

Proposed Title Aside from simply understanding the roots of the fashion designs, which is France, and unraveling the reasons behind the rise and fall of the elite types of fashion design, this proposed title of the study suggests that the research is also aiming to present how the changes in the Fashion industry [primarily the elite systems] affects the taste of fashion that the other group of people intend to take side of in terms of all the changes happening in the fashion industry.

To be able to understand the scope of the study better, it is also necessary for the researcher of this study to give the views of both sides of the community towards the said issue in fashion development. As it has long been known to many, the elite way of dressing up has fascinated many people around the world. Both the “haves” and the “have-nots” are involved in this process of understanding since fashion particularly involves everyone in the human society. Changes came slowly and usually affected just the nobility. With the coming of the industrial revolution, however, fashion became much more relevant to the common people.

During the 19th century, whole industries arose to clothe both the rich and the poor. Mechanized cotton and woolen mills proliferated, and the price of fabrics came down. Because of sewing machines, clothes could be produced more cheaply, and new synthetic dyes offered a much greater choice of colors. Social and technological changes played an even greater role in clothing the masses. In Western Europe and North America, people had more money to spend. In the 1850’s, women’s magazines appeared, and soon thereafter department stores began to offer ready-to-wear clothes in standard sizes.

Also in the 19th century, Charles Frederick Worth introduced fashion shows, using live models to spark the interest of prospective clients. True, fashion changes affect everyone; this is the reason why this research is primarily a source of rightful analysis connecting the issues of fashion development with the life status of the human society around the world. As clarity of the issue, this research shall handle the most significant issues with regards fashion and the impact that it has towards the human society today.

Content Plan This paper aims to present the different views of the people and institutions around the world with regards the demises and development of fashion styles in the industry. This approach to the topic is primarily used to give the readers and idea a balanced view of the situation. To some, they view fashion as one particular dying matter in the society; especially those styles that are promoting elite styles, involving expensive textiles and designs which includes the haute Couture and the Pret-A-Port Designs.

This claim is primarily sourced out form the fact that people today are most likely confronted with the different financial breakages thus making it harder for many to afford designer clothes. This is the reason why there is a great need for change in the field of fashion. In the 20th century, new synthetic fibers, such as rayon, nylon, and polyester, offered manufacturers a wider array of fabrics. Computerized designs made it easy to produce new styles, and because of globalization, new fashion trends could appear almost simultaneously on the streets of Tokyo, New York, Paris, and Sao Paulo.

Meanwhile, designers and manufacturers have found new ways to promote their products. Today young people have taken the place of the wealthy as the most ardent fashion enthusiasts. Every month, millions of them buy new clothes, and the trade produces hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of clothing a year. Along with the literary based sources, the researcher also aims to use survey procedures to actually be able to collect actual-based results on the fact with regards the reaction of the society with the major developments in fashion involving both haute couture and pret-a-porter designs.

In this regard, the researcher aims to make important notations on how the society reacts on fashion changes. With the use of the survey, the researcher particularly claims to at least find a way with which the identification of the knowledge of the society with regards the truth behind the evolvement of fashion in the human community, this shall also pave the way on the researcher’s understanding on how ample the knowledge of the society is to be scaled in measurement of their acceptance of the fashion design being described in this study.

To help the readers see this particular importance of understanding, the researcher aims to present a five point summary for the entire study. Hence, the presentations are to be made clearer and more validated. At the end of the study, the researcher shall recommend for further researches to be conducted with regards the same issue. Literature Review Often the problem isn’t money but the result of being enslaved to the world’s ever-changing styles and fashions. The book “Youthtrends” says that “the business world realizes how much money young people will spend for clothing labels.

” Driven by a greed for cash, the clothing industry uses catchy magazine and TV ads to entice youths to spend—and spend, and spend! Reinforced by peer pressure, the strategy certainly works. Laments a teacher: “Everybody is spending huge amounts on clothes and the kids who can’t afford it. . . are taking jobs after school just to buy designer jeans. ” An article in Woman’s Day magazine said: “Clothes are important. They can go a long way toward making you feel really good about yourself. ” What you wear also has a large impact on how others view and treat you.

These articles particularly show that fashion is one of the key elements that make up the human behavioral development based on self satisfaction of looking good and social feedback based on one’s fashion statement. How do the haute couture and pret-a-porter actually give these particular needs of the society from their demands upon the effects of fashion developments in their lives? These questions of particular concern with regards the issue shall be noted by the researcher through the use of other researchers as well. The topical presentation of the other researchers about the said issue based from their own collected data.

The examination of their studies shall help the researcher of this study asses the possible effects of fashion designs [specifically that of the haute couture and the pret-a-porter styles of fashion] on the preferences of the society on their clothing. Along with the said sources, peer reviewed researchers on fashion could also be used as a major tool of information source for the study. Utilizing the web researches could also be inculcated within the study as the said sources are naturally updated as they are posted through the World Wide Web.

Being updated about the issue shall naturally help validate the presentation that the researcher aims to shed to the minds of the readers. Books and other magazines of fashion news could also be inculcated within the process of research. These sources would naturally increase the knowledge and the theory-based explanation on the part of the development of fashion and how society particularly expects the said changes in the said issue of social development. As reports say, before, fashion was simply a way of clothing one’s self, until the 16th century arrived when the European fashion was introduced to the world.

It began with a touch of elegance and extravagance. People especially women who wore clothes with expensive couture and a statement of belonging to the elite were the one’s to commonly receive high respect from the society. Aside from this, the social culture during those times has been characterized by strong convictions of acting as gentlemen and fair ladies. Everything has been related to the ways of elegance. On the other hand, the 1780’s paved way to the Parisian fashion, which was characterized by long yet figure-revealing concepts of clothing. Then, when the 1800’s came in, every European began to dress alike.

As if the dress they wore were according to the social class they belonged to. The upper class known as the elite class, the middle class and the peasants… According to psychologists, the change of culture based on the change of fashion has been merely psychological. What people saw through their eyes were more likely absorbed by their minds and therefore performed by their physical body. As reports say that a major factor contributing to the rapid moral decline in the latter half of the 20th century is the media culture, and among these are fashion advertisers.

Today, as obviously seen, the “in-thing” in fashion is closely related to sexual passion, rebellion and violence. In both the European and Asian culture, short skirts and figure-revealing outfits for both men and women are widely patronized. Aside from this, the baggy clothes called the “hip hop” style also get a competitively huge number of wearers. These claims with regards the social impact of fashion shall be proven true and valid through the important factors involved in the survey results. Data Presentation and Analysis The word “fashion” usually applies to the prevailing mode of expression.

When it comes to clothes it is more often than not that fashion is considered an identity of a group of people or as an individual as well. Fashion usually carries the idea of having involved in fads or the “in-thing” in a certain moment of time. As it is considered fad, fashion changes very fast. At times, it doesn’t even take years to wait for a certain fashion style to fade and be replaced by the new one. Psychologists say that fashion could be accepted as a part of a social phenomenon. The way fashion changes at times depend on the way people think and how they react to the changing times as well as culture.

Meanwhile, others consider fashion as a relief from stress. Something to be given attention aside from the “boring” things involved in the habitual way a certain person faces his life. To many, it is a statement of who they are inside. To them, fashion reveals what it is that they cannot say or do as an individual. It is an internal expression of mind and being of a certain person. In this way, fashion could be termed as a communal way of expression. Some may not notice, but simply seeing a person and observing the dress he wears usually makes an impression to the ones looking at that individual.

More often than not, fashion too is a basis of recognition for many groups of culture. However fashion is defined, it still ends up in one conclusion. Fashion is a social statement for an individual. However people may see it, fashion is a way by which humans express themselves as to how they understand the idea of beauty and goodness. Hence, through graphical presentations and further virtual analysis of the collected data, the researcher aims to help the readers understand the necessary informations presented through this study.

Being socially noticeable and important is one of the most prominent goals of many people today. This is the reason why fashion makes so much of an impact to the whole society no matter what age or gender they may belong to. But behind all the supposed importance behind what a person wears reveals, is it really the real person behind the cloth that the fashion style reveals? More often than not, fashion is used to blind many people of the real personality behind the clothe. This is the reason why it is very important for everyone to take full concern on how they carry themselves through the way they dress.

Dressing up one’s self is not as easy as everyone thinks, but being practically inclined to simplicity and cleanliness could help a lot in avoiding the stressful effects of fashion picking. It is then easier to say that at times it is better and easier to dress up if you have only minimal clothes in your wardrobe, then you wouldn’t worry in choosing so much. Yet, it is still wise to be conscious with what one wears as it reveals the person inside thus creating a statement of who an individual really is. References: Christina Hoff Somers. (1989). A guide on fashion philosophy.

Philosophy Journals. Sweden Jane De Teliga. (1990). Power House Museum Journals (unpublished). Sydney Australia. Dianna Kenny. A look at fashion psychology. Psychology Journals. Sydney Australia. The Tribal Culture. (1989). Maclean;s Magazine. Sydney Australia. A look at FASHION. (1991). Jet Magazine. Sweden. Making it work. (1993). Perceptual and Motor Skills Journal. Chicago Press, Chicago. A focus in fashion. (1991). Times Magazine. Vol 25 No. 23. London. The social psychology. (1990). American Journal of Anthropsychiatry. United States of America.

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