Proposal For The Construction Of A Hospital Wing - Best Essay Writing Service Reviews Reviews | Get Coupon Or Discount 2016
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Proposal for the construction of a hospital wing

The aim of the proposal is to developed reasons why a new wind for the hospital, is to be constructed. This is because the existing hospital lacks the adequate facilities to the all the patients. The space of the hospital is too small and couple with the facts that facilities at the hospital are dilapidated and out of functions.

And it is the right of the people to access to good facilities and Medicare. as a result of these facilities that are lacking there is a low turn out of patients because of lack o confidence in the existing structure, hence the management of the hospital are under serious financial crises.

Problem statements

 Small facilities and low patients turnout. The lack of facilities in a hospital is not good for the future of the hospital, hospitals are changing constantly because medicine is changing constantly so a hospital needs to develop and change and increase its infrastructures.

If not it can not take care of its patients and patients safety is not guarantee as the case has been with the hospital of this proposal. Services are withdrawn One of the biggest problem of this hospital is its lack of space. This insufficient space is not enough for current patients number and hence the development of current. Additional services are curtailed by lack of space

 And there are no replacements this is reasonable safe, hence they is a drastic loss of confidence and patronage because of the small nature of the facilities in question.

I therefore suggest possible solutions in this proposal on immediate actions that have to be taken to bring the hospital back to a confidence state.  We therefore propose building of anew wing of the hospital which will take care of most the department such as diagnostic and treatment unit this will also serve other health care professionals. This will go on to improve on day surgery over time, reducing the number of in-patients bed days requires and making the environment friendly as the service of the hospital.

This will also have a positive side effect leaving the space in the former building to decrease the size of ward and, create more single rooms and increase other facilities like toilets and bathing facilities. Thus improving patients’ dignity and privacy and controlling hospital acquired infection.

In constructing, the wing First, the general survey of the place is taken and points are established. The projected cost of design, construction and maintenance of the hospital for the next 30 years is established to many variables to answer with any sort of accuracy, but around and between $150.00 to 275.00 per square foot.

The public work projects receives a grant from the government after duel completing the procedures this grant is use to applied to cover eligible payments under the contracted to construct the wind of the hospital. Before nominating contractors public bidding is done. The contractor that we meet the criteria and has the require competency is selected

Outdated structure The degrading of the facilities is an enormous economic and environmental problem. Knowledge about the how this affect the various building materials is much needed especially for proper maintenance and service life planning. The hospital had suffer structural and durability failure arising from lack of timely maintenance

The degrading of the facilities is an enormous economic and environmental problem. Knowledge about how this affects the various building materials is much needed, especially for proper maintenance and service life planning. The hospital had suffered structural and durability failure arising from lack of timely maintenance this has resulted to hospital infections transmitted in the hospital environments.

A remedial approach is developed base assumed use for the monitoring and maintenance of the hospital is what is proposed. The condition base on common solution for the maintenance of hospital structure is the development of performance indicator for the building components. The objective of these indicators is to ensure a clear detection of failing building elements so that maintenance works can be carried out on it.

Low profit at present time they are basically two reasons a why a hospital may be experiencing low profit Lewis etal, (1996). It may be experiencing lack in operations or it may be in a kind of economic depression. But the case of the hospital in question is the former. Because of lack of facilities and the ones available are dilapidated.

The profit of the hospital will automatically shoot up once all the facilities are put in place and regular maintenance is always checked.


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