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Observation focuses

Did the teacher engage and support all students in learning? If so how? The teacher engaged and supported her students at an individual level. Students were asked to answer set questions from their exercise books. The teacher instructed the students to ask for help if they any difficulties with the exercises. As the students answered the questions, the teacher walked around the room and viewed each student’s progress individually, assisting those who required help. 2. Describe how the classroom environment supports student learning (climate, standards for behavior, procedures, and use of instructional time).

The classroom environment was very well structured with different timeframes allocated to each group of tasks depending on the difficulty and type of task. Students were well behaved. However, penalties, such as after class detention, were in place for those who were disruptive. The students were highly responsive to the steady working environment of this classroom. 3. How did the teacher use materials and instructional strategies to ensure all students learn? The teacher gave each student written instructions and examples of how to do each of the exercises.

Students who got the correct answer would move on to answer more advanced examples, while those who got an incorrect answer would repeat the exercises. In this way, every student learned at his/her own pace and got the most out of the class time. 4. What strategies/ techniques did the teacher utilize in the lesson to ensure all students achieve academic success? The teacher used repetition and revision to ensure each student achieved success. At the end of each set of exercises students would investigate their answers at the back of the book.

After the each exercise, repetition or revision of problematic areas for each student was encouraged. 5. What forms of assessment are used and for what purpose? (formal, informal assessment) In the final 15 minutes of class time students took a quick informal test covering everything they had learned in class that day. The students would then partner up and mark each others’ tests as the teacher read out the answers. For homework the students were asked to go home and revise the questions they got wrong on the test.

In this way the test was used to assess how much each student had learned in class that day and which areas they needed to work on. ** I observed a 7th and 8th grade math and English class. (Fedde middle school) Observation focuses 6. Did the teacher engage and support all students in learning? If so how? In this classroom students had to read a short story and then answer a number of exercises about the story. The teacher sat at his desk while the children read quietly. When it was time to answer the exercises the teacher announced that reading time was over.

Children were then encouraged to raise their hand if they needed assistance with the questions. In this way, the teacher supported and interacted with each student who needed help. 7. Describe how the classroom environment supports student learning (climate, standards for behavior, procedures, and use of instructional time). Students received instructions at the start of class to read a short story and answer a series of questions about the story they read. The first half of classroom time was very quiet. Disruptive students were given a warning and reminded about the schools detention policy.

The second half of classroom time was really dynamic as each student took turns reading to the class. This was followed by a series of brainstorming exercises where students would yell out their answers for the teacher to write on the white board. 8. How did the teacher use materials and instructional strategies to ensure all students learn? In the first half of the lesson students were given their own book filled with short stories, together with a set of written instructions on how much time they need to spend reading and how much time they were given to write the answers.

The instructions were really straightforward and were written again on the whiteboard. 9. What strategies/ techniques did the teacher utilize in the lesson to ensure all students achieve academic success? In the first half of the lesson student’s were given time to determine their own conclusions. The second half of the lesson focused on interaction and gave each student the opportunity to brainstorm the ideas they had come up with and to learn from others. Those who struggled with the exercises were invited to talk with the teacher if they wanted.

10. What forms of assessment are used and for what purpose? (formal, informal assessment) The assessment I witnessed was informal as most of the exercises students had to complete were opinion based. The teacher collected the exercises at the end of the lesson. He explained that the purpose of the exercises to see what kind of themes students derived from the stories, what kind of personal opinions they had about the stories and what kind of a person they thought the author was. This assessment was more about self expression than formal correctness.

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