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Professional and Personal Goals

As an individual, I perceive education as one of the most effective instruments and greatest dependable allies that could help me attain all of my dreams and aspirations in life. Hence, I personally believe that acquiring a reliable and decent education would be very helpful for me to achieve both of my personal and professional goals. Since childhood, I dreamt of pursuing a career and education that would enable me to help the public and render service for the people, more especially those who are really in need of assistance.

Thus, the passion and personal advocacy to help other people have made me decide to take Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Furthermore, I also decided to pursue a degree on Bachelor of Science in Nursing, primarily because I believe that I got what it takes to be a good practitioner in this type of healthcare service. As a person, I am always determined to learn and deeply driven to excel in all the things that I do. Thus, a degree in nursing would better help me succeed in this type of profession.

With greater knowledge and ability, I believe that I would be very effective and credible to perform more vital roles in giving quality and meaningful healthcare service for the American people. Rendering service for the people and helping the community have been my passion and personal comfort zone for such a long time. It often serves as a wonderful source of happiness and fulfillment for me, personally. Thus, I greatly believe that acquiring a degree in nursing would further equip and enable me to endlessly provide sensible service for the people and for the entire American society.

As currently serving in the military, my urgent professional goal is to obtain a degree on Bachelor of Science in Nursing. If ever given a chance, I have utmost interest to work in several fields such as that of pediatrics, forensics and research. This is mainly because I believe that these particular areas fit my personal interests, askills and capabilities. However, hands-on clinical experiences would still mean as a very helpful process, wherein I could further determine a specific area in healthcare that would better match my personal aptitude and propensity.

More so, after obtaining a degree on nursing, becoming an officer in the United States Air Force is one of my fervent professional goals. I believe that a formal degree in nursing would allow me to meet the qualifications in entering the academy. My long term professional goals also include having a Masters Degree in Nursing, as I really wanted to become an efficient practitioner in the said field. Apart from pediatrics and other fields that I mentioned above, I also intend to specialize in various areas such as that of internal or general medicine.

Given that I could only choose and perform in one specific field of expertise, I am opening my doors to numerous opportunities to have a better chance of choosing the right specialty that would be the best for me. Moreover, apart from having a Masters Degree in Nursing, becoming a good Nurse Anesthetist is a part of my long-term professional goals. This is mainly because working as a Nurse Anesthetist is really challenging and imperative. As a devoted public servant, I only wanted to give the most meaningful and highest possible service for the people.

Hence, I believe that becoming a competent Nurse Anesthetist would better satisfy my personal drive to render vital healthcare service. Given a chance to become a nurse practitioner in the future, I would like to provide service for both of the United States Air force and civilian patients. Through this approach, I could give significant and quality healthcare service for more individuals. On the other hand, my immediate personal goal is to have my own house and become a worthy homeowner.

For the past several years, I have made the necessary efforts and hard work to build and maintain a good credit history. With the exemption of school loans, I am nearly debt free at this point in time. More so, numerous mortgage companies, including my personal financial advisors have already expressed their thoughts that my efforts to maintain good credit history and building new credit have certainly paid off. As a person, it is very important for me to always prioritize and attend on all my personal obligations, more especially in the aspect of financial responsibility.

As a matter of fact, I am very much confident that I would be able to purchase a new house in the coming months. If not, most probably I will have my own home before the year end. From a personal standpoint, a new home and the beginning of a new nursing career really compliment each other. Likewise, having a new home would be very essential and meaningful for me, personally. It would provide me a new place and safe haven where I could have peace and live in harmony. Lastly, the start of new educational goals and the closest homeownership would definitely be a great beginning for a brighter future.

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